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The Conservatory’s Two Year professional actor training program is a non-degree granting certificate program. 

Successful completion of the program depends upon admission into the second year, following fulfillment of the prescribed number of hours and curriculum as set forth in our published materials. Admission to the second year is also contingent upon audition. The entire curriculum is compulsory.

Our Philosophy

The Actors Conservatory provides comprehensive actor training taught by professional actors and directors in a creative, supportive, and rigorous environment, where artists discover the truth of the moment through the exploration of theory and technique and the art of performance.

Year One
Year Two

Clock Hours and Credit Hours

As a student in the first year program you will attend classes an average of thirty (30) hours each week. In the second year program, you will average thirty-three (33) hours weekly. TAC tracks classes through clock hours and credit hours. Clock hours are the actual hours spent in class in contact with the teacher. These hours do not include outside classroom hours spent rehearsing, memorizing, researching, and preparing.

Certificate in Acting

Upon successful completion of the two-year program, you will be awarded a Certificate in Acting. The Actors Conservatory is licensed by the State of Oregon, Higher Education Coordinating Commission and is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre.