40th Year Gala Celebration
The Actors Conservatory 2025
Celebrating 40 years of actor training. Support our next forty!
Celebrate with us Wednesday, May 21 from 6:00-9:00pm
Join us as we celebrate the newest industry professionals from Portland’s only nationally accredited acting conservatory program.
Mingle and be Merry 6-7pm Complimentary wine and appetizers. Purchase raffle tickets for special prize boxes, and beads for a rousing game of heads or tails.
The journey begins! 7-8pm Take a journey with us to learn who we are, what we do and where we’re going! Meet our faculty, the soul of The Actors Conservatory experience. Meet students and enjoy some entertainment plus a rousing paddle raise!
Mingle and leave with a smile on your face! 8-9pm
Location of Gala
Artists Repertory Theatre
1515 SW Morrison St.
Portland, OR 97205